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French, Durable & Anti-Stain!

We pride ourselves on our commitment to ethical manufacturing and
responsible. By choosing our collars, you support the industry
French and help preserve artisanal traditions.

In addition, our materials are selected for both their durability and resistance, while remaining the cutest of doggies.

If Toutou has stained the collar, soapy water, a sponge, a little elbow grease & the collar is like new!

3 good reasons to give in...

Our source of inspiration?

Our pretty Asian vixen, made in Thailand, you will have understood, she is at the origin of BeFoxi. We met her during our world tour, in a shelter in Thailand where we volunteered for a few months. It was love at first sight.

After several months of waiting to repatriate her to France, we had the idea of ​​creating canine accessories for our future outings in the city.

We therefore launched BeFoxi, we offer trendy necklaces made by hand in a workshop in New Aquitaine. Part of the profits will go to shelters and SPAs.

So you can make your pooch your style partner when you go out on the town while supporting a good cause.

Our accessories are much more than that, they are symbols of Love and compassion.

Our entire range